Mar 2, 2009 behussey

March 2009 :: Radar Brothers, Name of the Moon

RADAR BROTHERS are playing at Largo (Coronet Theater) Mar. 7 opening for the great Lambchop.

NAME OF THE MOON March 21 in Joshua Tree at the Studio Godot art opening. This is an outdoor show and this place is quite a complex!

+++ NEW GEAR: New G5 upgrade for the HD system. More UAD cards on their way. Lots of 2009 tweaking going on for a little refresh. Control room refurb, JBL 4411s in the live room, 1/4″ machine refurbed as we speak and will soon be ready for analog mixdowns, Pro Tools 8 + G5, and I can’t forget to mention the Auratones (with new speakers) are in the house…gotta love em.