May 1, 2014 behussey

New Chapter, More Company

April here means retooling and renewing…

We are happy to announce two new studio partners!
Rob Barbato (Composer/Producer/Musician) and Drew Fischer (Recording/Mixing engineer) have collaborated on many projects together and have decided to join up with company. With them comes (no surprise here) a stack of gear, a stack of projects, and a stack of know-how. Please give them a warm welcome.


PEAKING LIGHTS (Domino) just finished mixing their record to tape with Matt Thornley at the helm.

DUCKTAILS (Domino) aka Matt Mondanile in the house cutting tracks for his new record with Drew Fischer and Be Hussey.

KEVIN MORBY (Woodsist) recording his new record here between tour dates.

BIG SEARCH currently recording a new record here.

UNITED GHOSTS tracked a stack and mixed their new EP with Drew Fischer.

GUIDES 3-song 7″ is back from the presses and is creamy white and available on July 1.

CUT CHEMIST (A Stable Sound) and MIA DOI TODD drop in for some design work.

Remember to stay hydrated.