Mar 19, 2012 behussey

Radar Brothers – Mixing

Mixing in the Digital Age, A Love Story.

The last couple weeks has been a mixing whirlwind here with Radar Brothers. After repeated blows to Jim Putnam’s studio from the solar flares as well as the fallout from Mercury being in retrograde, the mixing sessions have been moved over here to company.

But before moving, we got down to some direction-setting tests on capturing an analog mix in the digital domain. (One of the casualties of the solar flares was the 1/2″ mixdown deck over there, so we needed a Plan B). Answer: Capturing the analog mix through Universal Audio 2192 running Pro Tools at 96k. Yes.

Digital vs. Analog

Each song has been mixed to both the 1/4″ 2-track as well as directly captured by a laptop using the UA 2192 converter at 96k. We have been comparing both mixes and for the most part we have been choosing the digital version. Since this was an analog recording, we didn’t feel the need for the extra analog goo that usually imparts a finishing touch on a mix. The full resolution sound of the 2192 has been very impressive.

Also noted is the Chameleon Labs 7720 Buss compressor. We’ve been using that for the 2-mix and it has also been shining like a bright new penny. Just lopping off a few dBs from the top and all is well.

Is that enough gearSpeak for you? If not, contact us. There’s plenty more where that came from.

Patchbay blowing up:

Piano is added:

Guitar is added:
