July 2007 :: Nomi Lyonns, Art Show

company folks CARRIE ROSE and DARRYL BLOOD are in a group art show tonight (July 6!) called FLAGS UNFLOWN at TruXtop gallery in Silverlake.

Jazz/cabaret vocalist NOMI LYONNS recently in with RON SNYDER on piano.

++ NEW GEAR: One pair of Symetrix 501s in the house.

‘A Drop of Rain’ Darfur Benefit CD

A whole slew of cabaret/jazz singers were recently in the studio recording tracks with Be Hussey for an upcoming Darfur Benefit CD ‘A Drop of Rain’. Dolores Scozzesi, Lynda Levy, Karen Christie, Bill Hemmer, Maureen Miller, Jennifer Hasty, Gregg Marx, MaryJo Mundy, and Helene McCardle sang along with Tim Emmons on stand-up bass, David Garzio on drums, and Ron Snyder on piano. A fine bunch of singers and players…[MORE]

June 2007 :: The Masters, The Removal Act, Souljourners with Phil Collen

THE MASTERS finishing up some new tracks.

Producers FRANK GRYNER and KAREN STEVER finishing the upcoming “>SOULJOURNERS cd. Guests include Def Leppard guitarist PHIL COLLEN.

FRANK GRYNER records some more for the upcoming album by THE REMOVAL ACT.

BE HUSSEY with CLARK S NOVA collaborating on a new commercial track, as well as some other randomness.

+++ NEW GEAR: UAD-1 system with Pultec, Fairchild, Neve 1081, Plate Verb, Neve 33609. Also, a Sennheiser 421, and a new security door! Excitement all around.

May 2007 :: The Masters, Axe

Extreme Electronic duo THE MASTERS (ex-LEGOSI) are back in the studio.

BE HUSSEY goes for the Axe…and cranks out a track. Check out the rough cut

+++ NEW GEAR: Wrap it up all shiny with these new ribbons from Cascade (X-15 stereo, and a pair of Fathead IIs) and ShinyBox (46DX).

December 2006 :: Promis, Manic, Frank Gryner

Lots of tracking this month:
Be Hussey tracking Jose Promis and Matteran Ghost.

Shawn J is engineering / producing the new Manic EP (Suretone/Interscope).

Frank Gryner is here tracking a bunch for the upcoming album by Jagger Cook.