Miguel Atwood-Ferguson “Arrangements Vol. 1” Released

We’ve had the pleasure of recording quite a bit of Miguel’s work here over the past couple years. Here is a CD showcasing his arrangement work in isolation, creating beautiful songs in and of themselves.

“This 22 track compilation brings together a little over one hour’s worth of raw, unmixed ‘stems’ of just some of the arrangements that Atwood-Ferguson has written and recorded for artists like Seu Jorge, Mayer Hawthorne, Marisa Monte, Carlos Niño, Shafiq Husayn, Bilal, Chris ‘Daddy’ Dave and The Gaslamp Killer between 2009 and 2013. While most of the tracks are comprised only of string orchestras, this album also contains tracks with other instruments such as harp, flute and brass instruments that MAF wrote for and directed. No auto tune was used.”

Miguel Atwood-Ferguson: Violin, Viola, Cello, Wurlitzer, Arranger, Producer, Co-Mixer

[thmlv_short_button url=”http://miguelatwoodferguson.bigcartel.com/product/miguel-atwood-ferguson-arrangements-vol-1″ class=”thmlv_short-button” size=”large” color=”carrot” target=”_blank”] Click Here to Listen And Buy CD [/thmlv_short_button]

Cut Chemist Presents FUNK OFF

Did the graphic design for the new LP/CD collection: Cut Chemist Presents FUNK OFF featuring French bands, Vox Populi! and Pacific 231 out October 29th. 2xLP vinyl features a 16-page booklet with liner notes by Cut Chemist.

[thmlv_short_button url=”http://cutchemist.bandcamp.com/album/cut-chemist-presents-funk-off-featuring-vox-populi-and-pacific-231″ class=”thmlv_short-button” size=”large” color=”carrot” target=”_blank”] Check It Out [/thmlv_short_button]

Radar Brothers – Video

“An overt display of music video-ness with reference points from the ’60s, ’80s, and ’90s complete with kaleidoscopes, lip-synching and ‘Hairway to Steven’ madness to reflect the song’s forward charge. Shot entirely on an iPhone 4s with a budget of zero, flowers from the garden, and the faces of the Brothers. Here is a ‘music video.’”

Check out the new video directed by comp-ny’s own Be Hussey and shot and edited here at the studio.

[thmlv_short_button url=”http://www.mergerecords.com/reflections” class=”thmlv_short-button” size=”large” color=”carrot” target=”_blank”] Watch The Video [/thmlv_short_button]

The Wake Up Show Unplugged

wake up

Saturday was a special event here. A relaunch/taping/recording of the classic hip-hop radio program, only this time featuring 15+ rappers in front of a live band. Dubbed “The Wake Up Show Unplugged,” hosted by Sway & King Tech.

ENGINEERED BY: Be Hussey and Luke Ehret
MIXED BY: King Tech
PRODUCED BY: Full Screen
HOSTED BY: Sway and King Tech

[thmlv_short_button url=”http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9KQooQ_ZeBbi9IP4_bycDiDWDZudQ0FA” class=”thmlv_short-button” size=”large” color=”carrot” target=”_blank”] Watch All The Performances Here [/thmlv_short_button]

Haunted Summer – “Something In The Water” EP


Haunted Summer has released their debut EP called “Something In The Water”. Recorded here by Luke Ehret and Be Hussey, and produced/mixed by Luke Ehret, this is some great dreamy music and a must-listen.

Free Bike Valet debuted the single back in July which you can download here or see the video below.

[thmlv_short_button url=”http://hauntedsummer.bandcamp.com/” class=”thmlv_short-button” size=”large” color=”carrot” target=”_blank”] Listen And Buy The CD Here [/thmlv_short_button]

Kim Deal – “Are You Mine? / Wish I Was” Released


Kim Deal has released the latest 7″ in her solo series “Are You Mine?” b/w “Wish I Was”. The latter recorded here by Be Hussey with M. Ward on tremolo guitar duties. Mixed by Steve Albini, with artwork by the legendary Vaughn Oliver. Limited white label pressing and full-artwork release.

all wave

Kim Deal’s recording philosophy “All Wave” states no computers, digital recording or “auto-tuning” should be used during production. Read more about this concept here.

[thmlv_short_button url=”http://kimdealmusic.com/” class=”thmlv_short-button” size=”large” color=”carrot” target=”_blank”] Check Out The Whole 7″ Series [/thmlv_short_button]

Deadbeat Debauchery – “Deadbeat EP” Released


Deadbeat Debauchery debut EP recorded here last week in one long day is out now on Bandcamp.

[thmlv_short_button url=”http://deadbeatdebauchery.bandcamp.com/album/deadbeat-e-p” class=”thmlv_short-button” size=”large” color=”carrot” target=”_blank”] Listen And Buy Here [/thmlv_short_button]

GUIDES – Recording

GUIDES were in the studio recording songs for their debut release coming early 2014. Check the website for upcoming shows or peep their Facebook to keep in the know.


“…Angular guitars playing spacious arrangements over a fluid rhythm section, settles the barrier between artist and audience…”

GUIDES is a Los Angeles four-piece indie post rock band started in 2012 by former Marjorie Fair bandmates, Chris Cogswell and Jayson Larson. The two joined forces to flesh out some demos Chris had been working on that were taking him in a new direction musically. Spending a few months writing as a two-piece, the guys then recruited Albino Crow Music indie Record Label head, David Garcia on guitar and Radar Brothers bassist, Be Hussey (on bass). Be also took on the producer and engineering duties for GUIDES at his studio, comp-ny located in the Equestrian District of Los Angeles. GUIDES first release should see the light of day in 2014.

STTONES – Recording


Currently in the studio is the new band/ project by Stephen Becker (aka, Le Concorde) is called STTONES. Co-produced by Stephen Becker and Jon Auer (Posies/Big Star) with drumming by Brian Young (Fountains Of Wayne, Posies). Lineup:

Stephen Becker: Vocals, guitar, synthesizers
Jon Auer: Bass, backing vocals
Brian Young : Drums

The forthcoming full-length album is titled, “Diamond Diagram” recorded here at Company with additional engineering by Drew Fischer (Bleached, The Babies, The Sundelles). It will be mixed in Paris, studio t/b/a.

Bleached – “Ride Your Heart” Released


Another great record done here by the powerhouse team of producer Rob Barbato, and engineer Drew Fischer! Bleached is getting all kinds of love and touring all around.

[thmlv_short_button url=”http://www.scdistribution.com/music-shop.html?class=artist&artist=bleached” class=”thmlv_short-button” size=”large” color=”carrot” target=”_blank”] Buy the CD from Dead Oceans [/thmlv_short_button]

Radar Brothers – ‘EIGHT’ LP Released


The new Radar Brothers record is out! On January 29, 2013, the new album ‘EIGHT’ was released on LP+CD combo. This album was recorded and mixed here at company with Be Hussey at the helm (as well as bass/voc/some drums/some gtr) as well as at Jim Putnam’s awesome hybrid studio in Atwater Village.

Radar Brothers - EIGHT (Merge Records)

[thmlv_short_button url=”http://mergerecords.com/store/store_detail.php?catalog_id=896″ class=”thmlv_short-button” size=”large” color=”carrot” target=”_blank”] Order the LP from Merge Records [/thmlv_short_button]

Go West Young Man – “Ages” Released


The new Go West Young Man record called “Ages” is out today! Be Hussey mixed a couple on this great new album from the Los Angeles band.

[thmlv_short_button url=”http://gowestyoungman.bandcamp.com” class=”thmlv_short-button” size=”large” color=”carrot” target=”_blank”] Buy CD [/thmlv_short_button]