Carrie Rose – art event


Don’t miss the art show tonight! Resident company artist Carrie Rose has a special Tangle in a Judd Apatow-themed art show tonight. This is a one-night only event and Mr. Apatow is supposed to be in attendance so come shake his hand and shake her hand. Shake everyone’s hand.

****UPDATE: Judd Apatow himself bought the painting! ****
**** VIMEO interview ****

More info:
Gallery1988 Melrose
7020 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038
RSVP at:

The Babies – “Our House On A Hill” Released


Another great record done here at company by producer Rob Barbato and engineer Drew Fischer.

The Babies - House On A Hill (Woodsist)

After their first full length album on Shrimper Records, a demos e.p. on New Images and scores of singles on U.S. and international record labels, The Babies second album “Our House on the Hill” is their Woodsist Records debut and the first with new bassist, Brian Schleyer.

While the band was originally conceived as a side-project outlet for Kevin Morby and Cassie Ramone – along with drummer Justin Sullivan – to trade song ideas and play house parties, 2011 saw the project grow into a full time affair. The band spent much of the year touring the U.S. and abroad, all the while writing new material, both in their home of Brooklyn and during a two-month sojourn in Los Angeles.

In February 2012, the band swapped their usual environs of Brooklyn’s Rear House recording studio and spent two weeks in Los Angeles working with Producer Rob Barbato (Darker My Love, The Fall, Cass McCombs). The increased time and focus allowed them to explore musical directions only hinted at on their first album. Thus, “Our House on the Hill” features hushed dirges, melancholic traveling odes and squealing rave-ups, all made cohesive by Kevin and Cassie’s captivating songwriting and lyrical themes. Organ, piano, saxophone and even strings play a supporting role in enhancing the aural atmosphere, which finds the band finally realizing a sound that can be called their own. Simple yet thoughtful; familiar yet haunting. Sweet but somber.

“The set opener “Alligator” is conversational in tone and acts to disarm the hardened listener with its pop confection and curve ball time change signatures on a check of solid Gang of Four gold. “Yo, I dig your hair, I gotta tell you about these holes in my pants, I would rather not hold yer hand. You get the drift.” Cassie evokes Anna Karina if she were in The Shangri-La’s instead of Godard films in “See the Country” and then married throughout the entire record are those otherworldly harmonized “oohs” & “aahs” by Kevin & Cassie that’ll make the stubble on your spine take notice if you are still one of them folks in need of oxygen to breathe. The switchblade knives & butterfly stitches that paint the heartache and conflict throughout this long player will sharpen you for your next lovelorn argument, stumbling bar brawl between you & a reflection of your 17 year old self in the face of a tinfoil plated locket or for the working stiffs, that 3am Saturday drive home from the bad side of the tracks back to the sad side. Put the needle on the flip and throw that break up layer of tears away: we got a ride to catch to that house on the hill.”- Dennis Callaci

[thmlv_short_button url=”” class=”thmlv_short-button” size=”large” color=”carrot” target=”_blank”] Buy The Record from Woodsist [/thmlv_short_button]

“We Came Home” – Film website


Check out the new website for the film ‘We Came Home’, a film by Ariana Delawari.

We Came Home is musician Ariana Delawari’s decade long raw and heartfelt personal journey through post 9/11 Afghanistan. Delawari weaves together layers of her family’s story and Afghanistan’s rich cultural past, juxtaposed with the recording of her album in present day Kabul and Los Angeles. As Delawari experiences the threat of war and corruption, she urgently grasps the regional, global and cultural ramifications when art, personal freedoms and hope are destroyed, and why Afghanistan cannot be forgotten once more.


community building

Just finished a new logo for our music comrade Nardo, of Navdo Presents, Hanging With Navdo, Le Ren, etc.

Nardo has been a music promoter in Austin, Los Angeles, and now back in his native Detroit he is expanding his role into music community-builder. Let’s hope this logo helps the cause!

For more info, follow him on Twitter. Check it out below, then get back to music.

The Babies – “Moonlight Mile” 7″ Released


Check out the new single by The Babies! These two new tracks are from their upcoming full-length release “House on the Hill” due this fall on Woodsist. Preview the track here prior to its release on August 14.

Recorded here at company recently with Engineer Drew Fischer and Producer Rob Barbato.

The Soft Pack – “Saratoga” Released


Check out the new single by The Soft Pack called “Saratoga” from their upcoming full-length release on Mexican Summer.

Recorded here at company last year with Engineer Drew Fischer and Producer Rob Barbato at the helm!

Check out more info and tour dates here.

The Gaslamp Killer – “Flangeface” Released


Be Hussey recorded the talented and super-prolific Miguel Atwood-Ferguson on strings for this one by The Gaslamp Killer. Dark and twisted. Recommended.

Check out the Pitchfork preview. This will be from his new album coming out on September 18, 2012 on Brainfeeder.

Carlos Niño & Friends – “Aquariusssssss” Released


The new record by Carlos Niño & Friends called “Aquariusssssss” is out now. The CD/12″ is available from Porter Records (US) and Discques Corde Records (Japan).

Comp-ny’s Be Hussey contributed the opening keyboard for “Trance Elation of Tranceformance”. Check out the nature video of this expansive track below:

Joey Dosik – “Where Do They Come From?” Released


Joey Dosik‘s new record “Where Do They Come From?” 12″ EP and download available here. Recorded and mixed here at company with Be Hussey at the controls, this record takes you back to the days when bands were tight and tape was printed. And tape was printed.

[tubepress video=”kpVgzaygqqA” length=”false” views=”false”]

Kim Deal – Recording

Kim Deal was here recently working with Be Hussey on some new tracks in the analog domain. There were some long days, magnetic tape, and some special guests! Look out for something happening in the future!

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